Whether you are a teacher seeking inspiration to create class sequences that inspire and connect or a student looking for tools to enhance your personal practice, this virtual immersion will offer an intuitive and introspective approach to crafting a practice. Tap into your own rhythm while opening to the pace and energy of others. Create sequences that reflect the collective energy in the room (and beyond), that are structured to support both experienced and new students. Sequence from a place of deeper knowing, and integrate theme, story, and music.
$ 388.00 USD
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the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.
Create sequences that resonate
Whether you are a teacher seeking inspiration to create class sequences that inspire and connect or a student looking for tools to enhance your personal practice, this virtual immersion will offer an intuitive and introspective approach to crafting a practice. Tap into your own rhythm while opening to the pace and energy of others. Create sequences that reflect the collective energy in the room (and beyond), that are structured to support both experienced and new students. Sequence from a place of deeper knowing, and integrate theme, story, and music.
You'll learn to:
Explore your practice as the foundation for building asana sequences
Discover ways to integrate story, theme, and music into class
Tap into your creativity as a teacher or practitioner
Use your own body to explore shapes, transitions, and how to string them together
Deepen your understanding of the biomechanics of asana and transitions
Build upon your knowledge of alignment in static poses, in order to more effectively connect postures
Learn how to progressively build a sequence that utilizes both muscular engagement and energetic opening
Invoke intention (Sankalpa) and carry it through a practice
How to create phrases of sequences and build those into chapters and stories
Practice building and teaching sequences
To sequence from an intuitive space, we'll explore:
Sequencing as storytelling, with a beginning, middle and end
Kriya Yoga (the yoga of action): through tapas (discipline), svadhyaya (self-study) and ishvara pranidhana (surrender)
How to plan and prepare so you can respond to the moment
This immersion is for:
Dedicated yoga practitioners who feel the calling to go deeper, to experience a sense of coherence in their practice and teaching
Yoga teachers who wish to create inventive and unique sequences for their classes
Those who have gone through yoga teacher training, but want to gain a more complete grasp of sequencing before beginning to teach
Anyone who wishes to experience more self-trust, strength and certainty on their path
Course Details:
Over six weeks, we will explore:
Practices and contemplations to find your story and share it
Elements of the prelude and introduction
Building blocks of practice, such types of poses and pranayama, bandha work, chanting and stillness
Ways to create dynamic sequences that offer a sense of connection, inward focus, and a wider view
Ideas to carry the theme through the end of class
The shift from script to intuition
Each weekly practice set includes:
An Introduction to the Week
Movement sequences
Practical Applications of key concepts
Questions for Contemplation
Homework and activities to explore new ways to build sequences
Course format and training hours
The course is offered virtually with a new module for each week. Modules are pre-recorded and can be completed at your own pace.